Debunking Common Misconceptions about Plant-Based Proteins

People in the world of bodybuilding seem to be more confused about plant-based muscle meals and supplements than anything else. In fact, some people who go to the gym say that the two don't mix. When you say "vegan," some lifters will make fun of you at the gym.
Most of the misinformation comes from the idea that plant-based foods don't have enough protein to make muscles grow, so bodybuilders should not eat them. Some people say you'll grow man-boobs or get caught on a drug test if you use plant-based proteins.
It may be annoying, but plant-based proteins have been a target for bodybuilding fans for a long time now. Because many people don't know much about plant-based foods, soy, rice, and hemp have been given the cold shoulder by many.
You might think that whey and casein are the best protein powders on the market, but now is the time to learn the truth about these plant-based myths and see if it's worth adding them to your food.
This article will run you through some common misconceptions about plant-based proteins.
Misconception #1: Pea Protein Powders Are Incomplete Protein Sources
Because plant-based proteins are incomplete proteins except for soy, you've probably heard that they don't have enough of the essential amino acids to help your body build new muscle.
Pea protein has all nine essential amino acids, but it has low methionine, tryptophan, and valine content. Because of the low quantity of these amino acids, pea protein is, for the most part, an incomplete protein. However, it is usually paired with another protein, like brown rice protein, to make it more nutritious.
There are a lot of pea protein powders on the market that have been mixed with brown rice protein already. This gives you a gluten-free, non-dairy complete protein that tends to integrate better in water than pea protein on its own.
Misconception #2: Incomplete Protein Sources Are Not Good
Yes, most of the time, you should have all of the essential amino acids present and in enough quantity to keep your body healthy. However, many of us get enough amino acids in our food all day. So don't be afraid of a few incomplete proteins!
Even though there isn't a lot of research on rice protein supplementation, it's often lower in cholesterol and sodium than animal protein sources like whey. It could be a good choice for people trying to keep their blood pressure in check.
Misconception #3: Plant Protein Is Inferior Because of Its Higher Carb Content
There are a lot of vegetarian and vegan protein sources that come from grains and legumes, which are higher in carbs than meat and dairy. People who use protein powder usually want to add more protein to their diets, not more carbohydrates.
They think that plant-based proteins aren't good for them, so they don't look at the label to see if their assumptions are correct.
The truth is, even though plant sources like rice are often thought of as high-carb foods, they can be a good source of vegetable protein. When these high-protein grains are turned into protein supplements, most of the carbohydrates in them are removed, and the amino acid profile is better. This is also true for quinoa, lentils, and chickpea proteins.
There are a lot of benefits to plant-based proteins in your diet and bodybuilding supplements. They can be easier for some people to digest, and they're an excellent way to add more protein to any diet.
As long as you eat whole plant foods, you can get all of the protein you need. A plant-based protein powder is a bit extra protection, especially if you do strength sports or bodybuilding and have a lot of protein needs.
Making a protein shake and adding it to recipes can help you build muscle and strength, as well as keep you full and stop you from snacking unnecessarily.
Are you looking for plant-based workout supplements in Australia? Purpose Nutritions has a variety of plant-based protein shakes, powders, and supplements for you to choose from. Check out our collection today!