Recipe for Low Testosterone

Fellas, are you training intense? Working hard labour? Or a high stress job?
Not following a structured nutrition and supplement protocol? Well you may be wanting to address these issues!
As males when we do not consume enough calories to meet the high demand of the energy expenditure in relation to the training you will soon notice some unusual behaviour occur physically and mentally. This could quite simply be due to one reason and this is; a drop in your testosterone levels!
For a natural athlete/male the testosterone range is between the range 5.0 – 25.0.
As an athlete or an intense trainer whether you are a bodybuilder, marathon runner, cyclist or iron man you should be looking to consume no less then 30 calories per kg of lean muscle mass.
It’s also important you have a well-regulated sleeping pattern. Anything less than 7 hours a night for a normal individual can increase their risk of getting sick by 2.9x. Intense trainers require 7 hours of sleep per night minimum otherwise they will amplify the risk of hitting low testosterone levels.
To add to this recipe of low testosterone, if you are frequently consuming alcohol of about 5-6 standard drinks which is 1.5/kg of bodyweight for a 155lb/70kg male you can significantly reduce your muscle synthesis by 37%. If you continue to consume 1.5g of alcohol per kg of bodyweight for long extended use, you can find a decrease in your androgen receptor which means that your body will no longer/reduce producing testosterone.
So, if you are:
- Training intense
- Working a stressful or labour intensive job
- Lacking quality sleep and duration
- Consuming alcohol
You have just dished up a harmful, gain destroying recipe for low testosterone!
We recommend if you are dealing with low testosterone or any of these factors
that you contact us directly so we may assist in some further recommendations or allied health professionals.
But if you wish to ensure this doesn’t occur to you products that you can trust to work include:
- Testosterone booster with the main active ingredient Tribulus.
- DAA (D-Aspartic Acid) consumed morning and night 3g per dosage if sex drive or desires are non existent.
- Ashwagandha 25% for the reduction in stress hormone (cortisol) which can disrupt performance, energy, appetite, sex drive, testosterone production and progress.
- Eat more calories, speak to a nutritionist regarding your issue. If you struggle to eat your calories, we advise using a mass gainer packed full of natural whole foods such as oats, sweet potato, pumpkin, rice, quinoa etc. Consuming a mass gainer with approximately 600 cals max with whole foods is a sure way of increasing calories without leading to excess weight gain. The use of the whole foods will allow for your body to breakdown and utilise effectively whilst also maintaining your guts microbiome as apposed to a mass gainer filled with maltodextrin or sweetners.